Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 19 - Audrey Barnwell Memorial Hike

Hello Mary!
 Celebrating Audrey's Life

       Audrey Barnwell's Memorial Hike was along the beach front of Thumb's Cove the afternoon after spreading her ashes. Audrey and her husband, Bill, would often anchor their sail boats, SV Audrey was the last boat, in Thumb's Cove for lunch or the weekend, and it was Audrey's wish that she be placed in Resurrection Bay. From our sail boat the siblings poured her ashes as the grandchildren, daughters-in-law and boyfriend kayaked or rowed behind singing songs and telling memories of a great, fun-loving gal. The sun was out, the wind was light, seas were calm and it was a wonderful memorial. Later that day I convinced the family to take a stroll down the beach. All fourteen family members walked in the rain down the coastline looking for seashells, washed-up jellyfish and driftwood in the spirit of my husband's late mother. What a great day of fond memories, unique tales and compassion. Audrey was well-loved and will be missed.
Anna being lifted over high water.

1 comment:

  1. i really enjoyed this time with you and the little hike with zane to the glacier was fun
