Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 37 - Iditarod Trail at Nash Road to Glacier Creek

Start of the Iditarod - ocean shore across the street.   
Big bear tracks!
The clouds moved in unfortunately so it was a good day to head for the Iditarod Trail - another section in the Seward area. The only problem with this trail is bears. They are everywhere back in the bush and along the salmon streams. We saw lots of bear sign and surprised a black bear by a bridge. The dogs started chasing him but didn't really bark a warning. The trail is pretty flat and has several stream forges but nothing terribly dangerous (other than furry friends). I'd never hiked this trail, only skied it in the winter which is when the majority of the gold seekers would have also passed via dog sled. I'm not sure how long the trail is but it took us over three hours to go out to Glacier Creek and back to the cars even though we thought our pace was at least 3 mph. It's a fun mt. bike ride but we were glad to be going at a slower, louder pace with dogs due to the bears. Who knows how many we scared into the bushes without ever seeing them.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool photo of those bear tracks, ML! Seeing that would actually make me very nervous, especially with all the news stories of bear attacks in Montana. I'm glad you scared them away with the dogs. Great blog!

